
Mole Mask

The mole half mask is an animal mask that spend its days digging in the earth and wondering why in the heck did it get created without eyes.ย  Even though it spends its life with its face in the dirt it would be nice to have eyes to see with.ย  Its frustrating because a mole with a seeing eye dog isn’t really a thing and most canes are just really too long.ย  There were three blind mice so they at least had company but only one very lonely blind mole.

Even though the mole is blind the actor is not.ย  There are slits cut into the mask so the actor can see.ย  Blind actors fall off the stage so the mask has been adjusted to try and solve this problem.

The mole animal mask is made of neoprene and fits nicely to most heads that sit above the neck.




The mole half mask is an animal mask that spend its days digging in the earth and wondering why in the heck did it get created without eyes.ย  Even though it spends its life with its face in the dirt it would be nice to have eyes to see with.ย  Its frustrating because a mole with a seeing eye dog isn’t really a thing and most canes are just really too long.ย  There were three blind mice so they at least had company but only one very lonely blind mole.

Even though the mole is blind the actor is not.ย  There are slits cut into the mask so the actor can see.ย  Blind actors fall off the stage so the mask has been adjusted to try and solve this problem.

The mole animal mask is made of neoprene and fits nicely to most heads that sit above the neck.